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If you aren't sure what to think of lapbooks {or
don't even know what one is}, here are a few
quick questions/answers to help you out.
What is a lapbook?
A lapbook is a file folder filled with learning
games and tools for children. Some people fold
them differently, but it's really up to you.
What is inside a lapbook?
Lots of printables and creations that you and your
child put together. Depending on the age of your
child, it can be lots of fun games
{toddler/preschool} up to vocabulary and lots of
information for older children.

Preschool Packs are similar to lapbooks, but
targeted toward children ages 3-5. They are theme
based sets of printables packed full of learning
games to use with your child. You can store your
games/printables in a file folder or a box ~ it's
completely up to you. Find all of the Preschool Packs
available on my Preschool Packs page.
If you are looking for other Preschool Printables
without a specific theme, you can find them here on
my main Preschool Printables page.
Have a little one you are working with?
Carisa at 1+1+1=1 has a great page full of
lovely tot books {and explanations}. Basically,
a Tot Book is a smaller version of a
lapbook/preschool pack ~ but geared toward
younger kiddos.